Athletes are always looking for a way to get an edge on the competition. Many athletes have turned to therapeutic massage as a means of improving their physical condition and mental well-being. While therapeutic massage is not solely just for professional athletes (it can also be beneficial for casual exercisers who want to improve their flexibility or manage pain from injury) in this article, we will discuss 5 essentials that every high performance athlete should know about therapeutic massage.

1. Therapeutic Massage can be an effective treatment for muscle soreness or injury recovery

High performance athletes who are always pushing their bodies to the limit, such as marathon runners, professional football players, or even Indy Car drivers, need a way to keep themselves in peak condition. Therapeutic massage can be an excellent tool for recovery from injury and muscle soreness while also providing stress relief.

Therapeutic massages have been found effective at:

  • easing discomfort associated with tight muscles and joints
  • increasing blood flow
  • boosting production of natural painkillers called endorphins that promote relaxation and well being
  • helping athletes get back to training sooner

As an athlete, you train hard and typically with consistent frequency. Missing a workout or training session can disrupt your routine, and ultimately your plans for competing in an upcoming event, match or game. 

2. Therapeutic Massage has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression

There’s no doubt that being a high performance athlete is stressful on the body, but also mentally. Therapeutic massage has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression.

We have seen firsthand in our facility the benefits to mental health in addition to their focus on muscle recovery. General feelings of improvement to well-being have been noted and are a reason many people continually come back for this intentional approach to improving the whole body’s state.

At Rupp Massage, we understand this mind-body connection, and are committed to helping you perform at your highest levels.


3. Therapeutic Massage can be used to help with sleep problems 

Whether it’s a feeling of excitement or anticipation of an upcoming event, or worry about pushing the limits of your body, these emotions can cause insomnia. One way to help combat this is with a therapeutic massage. When getting a therapeutic massage, serotonin levels are increased, which, in turn, help to increase melatonin. It’s very important to step back and remember, even our phones and laptops need to be “recharged”. Sleep cycles are incredibly critical to the processes of the healing of the body. With intermittent sleep, you may not be performing at your best levels. If pain is interfering with your sleep, it’s important to resolve underlying issues. Let us know at your next appointment if you are experiencing insomnia in any capacity.

4. Massage Therapy may provide relief for chronic pain

It’s a reality that the longer our time on this planet, the more our body will be challenged to perform in ways it did in previous years. Aging has the potential to result in chronic pain such as lower back pain, arthritis or knee pain. But, the good news is that you don’t need to live with that pain, and often you can still participate in the activities you enjoy, even at a competitive level.

Massage therapy has the potential to provide relief for chronic pain. It’s common that athletes and people who have been active their whole life suddenly find themselves in a place where they can’t do the things they love, because of pain or injury. Therapeutic massage is proven to help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, decrease muscle tension and improve range of motion. Resolving these issues helps to make it easier to perform normal activities while managing your chronic pain.

5. Athletes who receive regular massages are less likely to suffer from injuries in the future

We’ve seen tremendous benefits of therapeutic massage in the treatment of helping to heal from sports injuries. But, did you know that by getting regular therapeutic massages with a trusted certified massage therapist, you can head off potential injuries? When working with muscle tissue after a warm up session, therapeutic massage can help with preventing injuries during a training session. By working with friction points and trigger point pressure, we can help reduce muscle spasms and pain that may cause an athlete to give preferential treatment to the other limb.

Simply put, athletes could benefit from scheduling massages as an extra step in their regular training routine

Massage therapy is a great way to not only reduce your pain and improve your health, but also relieve stress. If you’re looking for an effective treatment that can potentially help with all sorts of ailments from muscle soreness to sleep problems, therapeutic massage may be the answer. Call us today at 317-223-1639 or visit our website at to find out more about what we offer and how it could benefit you!


*This article is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.



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