Therapeutic massage is much more than just a luxury. It is a way to improve your overall well-being and help prevent injuries. When you visit our Indianapolis massage therapy facility, you will experience the many benefits of therapeutic massage, well….. first hand.  With therapeutic massage, you may feel better both physically and mentally after just one session! But, that is just the beginning.  Therapeutic massage has many other benefits, as well. As with many other aspects of our lives, consistency is key, and this concept applies to therapeutic massage, as well.


Therapeutic massage can help to:

  • Relieve pain
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Boost your immune system
  • Improve your circulation
  • Promote better sleep


Therapeutic massage is truly a holistic approach to wellness. It’s a mindset to approach how we feel and embrace every day. Our team at RuppMassage is passionate about helping our clients feel their best and live their best lives.


To keep it simple, we’ve prepared this simple guide to how our approach may benefit you!


HANDS ON – For Therapeutic Massage!

H: Healing.

Therapeutic massage can provide a number of healing benefits, both physically and mentally. One of the most well-known benefits is its ability to help the body heal from injury. Therapeutic massage can help to increase blood flow to the area where pain is occurring, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen that facilitate the healing process. Therapeutic massage can also help to reduce pain and inflammation, two common symptoms of injury. In addition, therapeutic massage can help to improve range of motion and flexibility, both of which are often limited after an injury. As a result, therapeutic massage can play an important role in the healing process.


A: Awareness.

When we are experiencing pain, it is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. In many cases, the cause of the pain is not immediately obvious, and it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the discomfort. However, awareness of our pain points can be an important first step in finding relief. By paying attention to where we feel pain, we can start to narrow down the possible causes and begin to look for solutions. For instance, therapeutic massage can be an effective way to relieve tension headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain. By targeting specific areas of the body that are causing pain, we can help to reduce the overall discomfort that we are feeling. In short, awareness of our pain points is an important step in finding healing and relief.


N: Not a spa treatment

When most people think of therapeutic massage, they envision a luxurious spa treatment involving scented oils and soft music. However, therapeutic massage is actually a form of medical treatment that can be used to relieve pain, recover after an injury, reduce stress, and improve overall health. While spa treatments can be relaxing, they are not typically focused on providing therapeutic benefits. Therapeutic massage, on the other hand, is specifically designed to promote healing and well-being. As such, it is often used to treat conditions such as tension headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and chronic pain.


D: Deep Tissue Massage

Therapeutic massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that uses slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is used to treat chronic aches and pain and restricted range of motion. We focus on the middle to deep layers of muscle tissue, tendons, and fascia. It has been proven to be beneficial for conditions such as pain, as well as increasing flexibility and mobility by lengthening muscles and breaking up adhesions (knots). It also can improve circulation by flushing out toxins and improving lymphatic drainage.


Our clients attest that they experience a more restorative sleep after therapeutic massage, which can lead to faster healing times from injuries.


S: Sports Massage.

Sports massage can be used to treat a wide range of injuries, including muscle strains, tendonitis, and shin splints. It can also be used to help prevent injuries by improving flexibility and range of motion. In addition, sports massage can improve circulation and reduce stress levels. As a result, it can help athletes to perform at their best and reduce the risk of injury. RuppMassage, located in Indianapolis,  offers a variety of massage therapy options for competitive athletes, making it an essential part of any training regimen.


O: Oxygen.

Therapeutic massage can help to improve circulation and increase the supply of oxygen to muscles. It is also believed to help reduce pain and tension in the body. Oxygen is an important element in the healing process, and therapeutic massage can help to promote healing by increasing the supply of oxygen to tissues (Durkin JL, Harvey A, Hughson RL, Callaghan JP). In addition, therapeutic massage can help to release toxins from the body and improve lymphatic circulation. As a result, therapeutic massage can be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions.


N: Nerves.

Therapeutic massage can be beneficial  for conditions that involve nerve pain, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica. It can also help to relieve tension headaches and migraines. By targeting specific areas of the body that are causing pain, therapeutic massage can help to reduce overall discomfort and improve quality of life.


Trigger points, or  knots that form in muscles, can cause pain and restricted range of motion, and even compress nerves. Therapeutic massage can help to release these knots and improve range of motion. In addition, therapeutic massage can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. As a result, therapeutic massage can be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions.


At RuppMassage, we are committed  to providing our clients with the highest quality therapeutic massage. Our experienced and certified therapist is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, whether you are seeking relief from pain or looking to improve your overall health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you!


Cited Works:

Durkin JL, Harvey A, Hughson RL, Callaghan JP. The effects of lumbar massage on muscle fatigue, muscle oxygenation, low back discomfort, and driver performance during prolonged driving. Ergonomics. 2006 Jan 15;49(1):28-44. doi: 10.1080/00140130500356882. PMID: 16393802.

Image credit: Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash